Negative stain TEM Single partilce
Negative staining is a simple sample preparation method in which protein samples are adsorbed to a continuous carbon film and embedded in a thin layer of dried heavy metal salt to increase specimen contrast. The enhanced contrast of negative stain EM allows viewing of relatively small biological samples (>100kDa).
This method is used mainly to determined 3D structure of small protein and protein complex (<200kDa), assess sample quality (e.g. purity and homogeneity) and determined initioal 3D structure using Random Conical Tilt (RCT) method. It can also be used to answer specific questions concerning protein-protein interactions and identify protein/domain assembly. antibodies or Fab can be visualized when bound to their antigen.
Drawbacks and Benefits of Negative Staining
- High contrast.
- The sample is easy to prepare.
- Almost no radiation damage.
- The resolution limit is between 15Å-20Å (the size of the stain salt grain).
- Artefacts can arise if the stain is uneven.
- Flattening of the sample upon drying of the grid
stain pH range
Sodium (K) phosphotungstate (PTA) 5-8
Uranyl acetate 4.2-4.5
Uranyl formate 4.5
Sodium silicotungstate 5-8
Ammonium molybdate 5-7
Methylamine tungstate 6-7
3mm EM Copper grid
zoom in on one square
Negative Staining
Negative Staining and Image Classification - Powerful Tools in Modern Electron Microscopy.
EM Analysis of Protein Structure