io = <io_data> | Options for reading atom files | |
rr_file = <str:1> | '$(LIB)/as1.sim.mat' | input residue-residue scoring file |
gap_penalties_1d = <float:2> | 900 50 | gap creation and extension penalties for sequence/sequence alignment |
gap_penalties_2d = <float:9> | 0.35 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.6 8.6 1.2 0 0 | gap penalties for sequence/structure alignment: helix, beta, accessibility, straightness, and CA-CA distance factor, dst min, dst power, t, structure_profile ; best U,V=-450,0 |
align_block = <int:1> | 0 | the last sequence in the first block of sequences |
max_gap_length = <int:1> | 999999 | maximal length of gap in protein comparisons |
off_diagonal = <int:1> | 100 | to speed up the alignment |
matrix_offset = <float:1> | 0.00 | substitution matrix offset for local alignment |
overhang = <int:1> | 0 | un-penalized overhangs in protein comparisons |
local_alignment = <bool:1> | False | whether to do local as opposed to global alignment |
align_what = <str:1> | 'BLOCK' | what to align in ALIGN; 'BLOCK' | 'ALIGNMENT' | 'LAST' | 'PROFILE' |
subopt_offset = <float:1> | 0.0 | offset for residue-residue score in getting suboptimals in ALIGN/ALIGN2D |
fit = <bool:1> | True | whether to align |
read_weights = <bool:1> | False | whether to read the whole NxM weight matrix for ALIGN* |
write_weights = <bool:1> | False | whether to write the whole NxM weight matrix for ALIGN* |
input_weights_file = <str:1> | '' | Exteral weight matrix input to MODELLER (SALIGN/ALIGN) |
output_weights_file = <str:1> | '' | File into which the weight file is wriiten (iff WRITE_WEIGHTS = 'on') |
weigh_sequences = <bool:1> | False | whether or not to weigh sequences in a profile |
smooth_prof_weight = <float:1> | 10 | for smoothing the profile aa frequency with a prior |
read_profile = <bool:1> | False | whether to read str profile for ALIGN2D |
input_profile_file = <str:1> | '' | multiple sequece alignment read into MODELLER for profile-profile alignments |
write_profile = <bool:1> | False | whether to write str profile for ALIGN2D |
output_profile_file = <str:1> | '' |
-- move to back
The linear gap penalty function for inserting a gap in block 1 of
structures is:
are the
usual gap opening and extension penalties,
is gap length, and
is a function that is at least 1, but can be larger to make gap
opening more difficult in the following circumstances: between two consecutive
) helical positions, two consecutive
-strand positions, two
consecutive buried positions, or two consecutive positions where
the mainchain is locally straight. This function is
is the fraction of
helical residues at position
in block 1,
is the fraction of
-strand residues at position
in block 1,
is the average relative
sidechain buriedness of residues at position
in block 1,
is the
average straightness of residues at position
in block 1, and
is the
strucutural conserveredness at position
in block 1. See
Section 4.6.24 for the definition of these features.
The original straightness is modified here by assigning maximal straightness
of 1 to all residues in a helix or a
-strand. The structural conservedness
of the residues in block 1 are imported from an external source
"input_profile_file". The structural conservedness at a particular position
gives the liklehood of the occurance of a gap when structurally similar
regions from all know protein structures are aligned structurally.
The linear gap penalty function for opening a gap in block 2 of sequences
is a
function that is at least 1, but can be larger to make the gap
opening in block 2 more difficult in the following circumstances:
when the first gap position is aligned with a helical residue, a
residue, a buried residue, extended mainchain, or when the whole gap in
block 2 is spanned by two residues in block 1 that are far apart in space.
This function is
is the distance
between the two
atoms spanning the gap, averaged over all structures
in block 1 and
is the distance that is small enough to correspond to no
increase in the opening gap penalty (e.g., 8.6).
When fit is False, no alignment is done and the routine returns only the average structural information, which can be written out by the alignment.write() command.
# Demonstrating ALIGN2D, aligning with variable gap penalty log.verbose() env = environ()'$(LIB)/top_heav.lib') # Read aligned structure(s): aln = alignment(env) aln.append(file='toxin.ali', align_codes='2ctx') aln_block = len(aln) # Read aligned sequence(s): aln.append(file='toxin.ali', align_codes='1nbt') # Structure sensitive variable gap penalty sequence-sequence alignment: aln.align2d(overhang=0, gap_penalties_1d=(-450, 0), gap_penalties_2d=(0.35, 1.2, 0.9, 1.2, 0.6, 8.6, 1.2, 0., 0.), align_block=aln_block) aln.write(file='align2d.ali', alignment_format='PIR') aln.write(file='align2d.pap', alignment_format='PAP', alignment_features='INDICES HELIX BETA STRAIGHTNESS ' + \ 'ACCESSIBILITY CONSERVATION') aln.check() # Color the first template structure according to gaps in alignment: aln = alignment(env) aln.append(file='align2d.ali', align_codes=('2ctx', '1nbt'), alignment_format='PIR', remove_gaps=True) mdl = model(env), model_segment=('2ctx', '2ctx')) mdl.color(aln=aln) mdl.write(file='2ctx.aln.pdb') # Color the first template structure according to secondary structure: mdl.write_data(file='2ctx', output='SSM') mdl.write(file='2ctx.ssm.pdb') # Superpose the target structure onto the first template: mdl2 = model(env), model_segment=('1nbt', '1nbt')) mdl.pick_atoms(aln=aln, atom_types='CA') mdl.superpose(mdl2, aln) mdl2.write(file='')