change selects an optimization (when equal to 'OPTIMIZE') or randomization (when equal to 'RANDOMIZE'):
dihedrals can be either a vector of dihedral angle names or a
single string containing all the dihedral angle names separated by
blanks. The dihedral angles involved in cyclic structures are not changed
(e.g., sidechain dihedral angles in disulfide bonds and prolines).
The dihedral angles that can be changed are listed at the top
of the $RESDIH_LIB library: alpha, phi, psi, omega,
chi1, chi2, chi3, chi4, chi5. Dihedral angle 'alpha' is the
virtual dihedral angle defined by four consecutive
The bond connectivity of the MODEL has to exist before this command is executed. If you read in the model by, the bond connectivity is defined by subsequent calls to topology.append() and model.generate_topology() (also make sure that sequence entry does not exist in the alignment or that no alignment is in memory).
# Example for: model.rotate_dihedrals() # This will optimize and randomize dihedrals in a MODEL env = environ()'$(LIB)/top_heav.lib')'$(LIB)/par.lib') # Select dihedral angle types for optimization and randomization: dih = 'phi psi omega chi1 chi2 chi3 chi4 chi5' # Read the sequence, get its topology and coordinates: code='1fas' mdl = model(env, file=code) aln = alignment(env) aln.append_model(mdl, align_codes=code, atom_files=code) aln.append_model(mdl, align_codes=code+'_ini', atom_files=code+'_ini') mdl.generate_topology(aln, sequence=code+'_ini') mdl.transfer_xyz(aln), build_method='INTERNAL_COORDINATES') mdl.rotate_dihedrals(change='RANDOMIZE', deviation=90.0, dihedrals=dih) mdl.write(file='1fas.ini1') # Get restraints from somewhere and optimize dihedrals: mdl.restraints.make(aln, restraint_type='stereo', spline_on_site=False) mdl.rotate_dihedrals(change='OPTIMIZE', deviation=90.0, dihedrals=dih) mdl.write(file='1fas.ini2')