How to switch users in Linux without logging someone out of the consoleThe following directions describe how to switch users in Linux without terminating another users's console session.Method 1 The first method is the easiest, simply open a terminal, and type: gdmflexiserver This opens a new login window. If you click quit or login and then logout from this new window it will take you back to the session from which you typed gdmflexiserver. This method will not allow the same user to open two sessions. The first session can always be accessed by hitting ctrl+alt+F7, the second session by ctrl+alt+F9, the third by ctrl+alt+F10, etc. Method 2 The second method is a bit more complicated but will allow you to open a new session if the current user has locked the screen or open multiple sessions using the same user. hit ctrl+alt+F1 (or F2 to go to the first or second pseudo-terminal (ptty) login with your CSB username and password type startx -- :1 (or :2 :3 to start a third or fourth session) The first session can always be accessed by hitting ctrl+alt+F7, the second session by ctrl+alt+F9, the third by ctrl+alt+F10, etc. After you are done, don't forget to logout of the pseudo terminal from which you launched startx -- :1 by typing exit. Give Feedback (optional)If you have any problems, please post a problem report on Request Tracker (login with your CSB username and password). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||